We are opening the waiting list for our new online course about Rust Binary Reverse Engineering, register to be informed when it will become publicly available.
Here is the latest fuzzing news released last month!
📝 Blogposts/Papers/Slides
SoK: Prudent Evaluation Practices for Fuzzing - https://mschloegel.me/paper/schloegel2024sokfuzzevals.pdf
KernelGPT: Enhanced Kernel Fuzzing via Large Language Models - https://arxiv.org/pdf/2401.00563.pdf
Fuzzer Development: Sandboxing Syscalls - https://h0mbre.github.io/Lucid_Context_Switching/#
Continuously fuzzing Python C extensions - https://blog.trailofbits.com/2024/02/23/continuously-fuzzing-python-c-extensions/
Large Language Model guided Protocol Fuzzing - https://www.ndss-symposium.org/wp-content/uploads/2024-556-paper.pdf
⚙️ Tools/Repositories
oss-fuzz-gen: LLM powered fuzzing via OSS-Fuzz - https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz-gen
Lucid: An educational Bochs-based snapshot fuzzer project - https://github.com/h0mbre/Lucid
U-Fuzz: Stateful Fuzzing of IoT Protocols on COTS Devices - https://github.com/asset-group/U-Fuzz
See you next month and take care!
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