Here is the latest fuzzing news released last month!
📺 Videos/Podcasts
Discoveries from Analyzing 141 Real-World ZK-SNARK Vulnerabilities! 🧐 - https://youtu.be/oxvcEXha69c
📝 Blogposts/Papers/Slides
ImageIO, the infamous iOS Zero Click Attack Vector. - https://r00tkitsmm.github.io/fuzzing/2024/03/29/iOSImageIO.html
The Windows Registry Adventure #1: Introduction and research results - https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2024/04/the-windows-registry-adventure-1.html
A Basic Guide to AFL QEMU - https://medium.com/@cy1337/a-basic-guide-to-afl-qemu-495df504b5fb
⚙️ Tools/Repositories
what the fuzz: Linux mode - https://github.com/0vercl0k/wtf/tree/main/linux_mode
Aplos Fuzzer: Aplos an extremely simple fuzzer for Windows binaries - https://github.com/20urc3/Aplos
Prompt Fuzzer: open-source tool to help you harden your GenAI applications - https://github.com/prompt-security/ps-fuzz
AFLPlusPlus command generator to make the best use of multiple cores - https://github.com/0xricksanchez/AFL_Runner
See you next month and take care!
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